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 [Results] SMASH15, 03/31/11

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2 participants
Posteur Divin V10
Posteur Divin V10

Masculin Nombre de messages : 9991
Age : 42
Date d'inscription : 26/07/2007

[Results] SMASH15, 03/31/11 Empty
MessageSujet: [Results] SMASH15, 03/31/11   [Results] SMASH15, 03/31/11 Icon_minitimeLun 4 Avr - 9:08

Citation :

[Results] SMASH15, 03/31/11 Smash31032011

SMASH.15 "1ST ANNIVERSARY", 31.03.2011 (Samurai! TV)
Tokyo Korakuen Hall
1,200 Fans

1. World Tryout Match: AKIRA beat John Carter (8:15) with Musasabi Press
2. Ice Ribbon Offer Match: Riho [Results] SMASH15, 03/31/11 Iceribbon, Minami Asuka [Results] SMASH15, 03/31/11 Iceribbon & Tsukushi [Results] SMASH15, 03/31/11 Iceribbon beating Emi Sakura [Results] SMASH15, 03/31/11 Iceribbon, Makoto [Results] SMASH15, 03/31/11 Iceribbon & Mochi Miyagi [Results] SMASH15, 03/31/11 Iceribbon (9:38) after a Cradle of Riho against Miyagi.
3. Ultimo Dragon [Results] SMASH15, 03/31/11 Tory & TAKA Michinoku [Results] SMASH15, 03/31/11 Kdojo beating Yuji Kito & Yusuke Kodama (6:25) after Asai DDT on Ultimo againts Kodama.
4. Takao Omori beat Sir Robin (8:47) with Axe Bomber.
5. Starbuck beat Yoshiaki Yago (11:18) with Piledriver.
6. FUNAKI beat Kana (4:26)with Horizontal Cradle.
7. Hardcore Match: TAJIRI, Sabu & Shuri beating Michael Kovac, Lin "Bitch" Bairon & Gabriel Antonic (17:52) after Arabian Facebuster on Sabu againts Antonic.
8. Hajime Ohara beat KUSHIDA (16:11) with Finnish Forearm.

- Kushida played his last match as a wrestler SMASH. Starting tomorrow, he is an official member of New Japan. Hiroshi Tanahashi was present at today's main event, held after the match an address to Kushida and eventually left with the TAJIRI protégé the hall.
- The first event of SMASH in Korakuen Hall was actually already at 18.03. had to climb, but postponed due to the earthquake are back.

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Electronic 91
Posteur Divin V10
Posteur Divin V10
Electronic 91

Masculin Nombre de messages : 9607
Age : 32
Localisation : Philadelphia, France.
Date d'inscription : 24/07/2007

[Results] SMASH15, 03/31/11 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Results] SMASH15, 03/31/11   [Results] SMASH15, 03/31/11 Icon_minitimeLun 4 Avr - 9:48

Funaki/Kana, ça doit être à voir, définitivement. Noel
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[Results] SMASH15, 03/31/11
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