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 Interview de Lanny "The Genius" Poffo

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Posteur Divin V9
Posteur Divin V9

Masculin Nombre de messages : 9397
Age : 43
Date d'inscription : 23/07/2007

Interview de Lanny "The Genius" Poffo Empty
MessageSujet: Interview de Lanny "The Genius" Poffo   Interview de Lanny "The Genius" Poffo Icon_minitimeLun 23 Juil - 21:44

A life before wrestling:
1. What is your first memory of school as a child?
We moved several times before we settled in Downers Grove, IL when I was in the 2nd Grade.
2. Who was the evil brother, you or Randy?
Neither. We were both good boys!
3. What kind of food the young Lanny liked / hated?
I liked all kinds till I started reading books about health foods.
4. When did you start to love literature and poetry? Why?
My 5th grade teacher recognized my talent. I dedicated my first book to her!
5. Lanny, at 20, a love letter man, or a real macho ?
Really both! I didn’t wimp out till I got married. I recovered since my divorce
6. Why did you chose to become a wrestler?
Because baseball didn’t choose me!

A life of wrestling:
1. What do you remember from your short tag team partnership with Mr. Perfect ?
It was the greatest time in my career. I never saw him do drugs so I was shocked that he died from them.
2. Do you know if Randy Savage will be back in wrestling after the TV show ?
There won’t be a TV show. That was just a rumor based on wishful thinking/
3. What were some of the downfalls of being Randy Savage’s brother?
There are only positives being Randy’s brother.
4. Did you gain respect and credibility because you were Randy’s brother?
The only thing that counts is what the bank teller counts. Everything else is just conversation.
5. How did you feel to be a jobber for years, while other contemporary wrestlers of your generation were in the top 5? And what did you think when fans started to be very disappointed by the fact that you were a jobber for so long? Did you think they underestimated the business, or did you feel that their reaction was quite relevant? None of the wrestler’s in the top 5 ever defeated Hulk Hogan or broke 2 box office records with him.
6. What did you think about the MacMahon’s management with midcard wrestlers ? It is said that only the 3 main wrestlers were/are emphasized by MacMahon, and that he does not spend time with those who are not the top selling T-shirts and other merchandise? I only had one merchandise item. It was a $3 frisbee when I was Leaping Lanny. It was a major seller because I took the time to sign them for the fans. Now at the age of 52, they’re making a Genius action figure.
7. Today, a lot of wrestlers are under evaluated. Fans are upset to see new superstars, becoming a champion in 3 months and have feuds with everybody the same year. There is a kind of old school nostalgia. Do you think this statement is true? I think there are fans who prefer to stay in a constant state of turmoil.
8. What does Lanny think when he watches wrestling now if he even watches wrestling? I don’t even watch TV anymore. I’m too busy!
9. Did you think that you would become an icon of the Hardcore wrestling era (hardcore belt etc…)
NEVER. Hardcore is not my thing.
10. What do you remember of your first meeting with WWF?
More airplane tickets than I’ve ever had in my life.
11. What is your favorite memory of the 80’s wrestling period?
My 1989 match with Hulk Hogan.
12. What is your favorite memory of the 90’s wrestling period?
Going to New Zealand. I love that Country!
13. What is your worst memory of the 80-90’s period in wrestling (not necessarily personal, but also in general)? I have only good memories.
14. What advice would you give to the new wrestlers who start in WWE / TNA ?
Save your money. Don’t take drugs. Otherwise you’ll be like 95% of the wrestlers. Dead or dead broke!
15. Have you ever been seriously wounded during a match?
16. What did feel to be on the road all the time? What affect did it have on your personal life? My marriage was doomed to fail anyway. A lot of wrestlers blame travel. I don’t!
17. A lot of fans were quite disappointed to see that WWE did not do anything after Earthquake (J. Tenta) passed away. Once again, they had the feeling that ‘old’ wrestlers were just cattle, and when they are useless they did not live anymore. What would you say in response to that statement? What should they have done for him?
18. What have you ever heard about European wrestling organization? No, but I hope they succeed.
19. In backstage did you have the feeling that there were two groups: Those you did their job, and those who wanted to be famous first? Any other groups? There was only one group. The wrestlers.
20. Did you have real friends in WWF, or just colleagues? If yes, who? Rick Martell was my favorite person in wrestling, other than my own family.
21. You opened the door to high flyers in wrestling (the moonsault), do you think they are noble heirs now? Or do you think they do something else than wrestling? People think I invented the moonsault. I copied a little masked wrestler named “Tiger Mask” He was much better than me at flying.
22. If the TNA, or WWE, would ask ‘The Genius’ to come back. What would you say? I’d ask them what they wanted from me and how much it was worth.

And now…:
1. I saw that you spent time against smoking. Why have you been involved in this noble cause?
Because 4000 children start smoking every single day in North America. Isn’
2. Tell me about ‘Curse of the Wolf”
It was my first film.
3. When are you coming in France?
I was there in 1988 with Canall Plus
4. What is the latest book you read?
Dr. Wayne Dyer: You’ll See it When You Believe it.
5. What is the latest movie you saw?

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Denis F.
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