Xplosion Match:
Judas Mesias defeated Elix Skipper.
ODB defeated Angelina Love. ODB challenge Amazing Kong pour lAgainst All Odds.
The Motor City Machineguns & Jay Lethal arrivent sur le ring et acceptent le challenge de Team 3D à AAD : A Hardcore Street Fight Match.
Tomko defeated Eric Young.
Kaz defeated Senshi.
Abyss defeated Lance Hoyt. Après le match James Mitchell annonce qu'il est le père d'Abyss...
Robert Roode defeated Sonjay Dutt.
Dans un three way elimination match, Christian defeated AJ Styles and Samoa Joe. Joe a été éliminer en 1er après s'être fait DQ, avant que Cage pin AJ...
Jay Lethal defeated Sonjay Dutt, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley, Johnny Devine and Petey Williams in a six-way match.